Normal Autistic Film

Normal Autistic Film
reż. Miroslav Janek/Czech Republic/2016/88 min.

Direct and thoughtful, Lukáš has a distinctive sense of humor. Piano virtuoso Denis is able to play demanding classical pieces. He adores The Little Prince so much that he keeps rereading it. Majda likes to rap and isn’t shy about it. Marjamka is able to tell long stories in English, while her tireless brother Ahmed is uncommonly friendly.

Five remarkable children that society has consistently and unflatteringly labeled “autistic.” A unique authorial vision challenges us once and for all to stop perceiving autism as a medical diagnosis and try to understand it as a fascinating way of thinking.


  • projection time:
    88 min.
  • country/year:
    Czech Republic/2016
  • director:
    Miroslav Janek
  • pictures:
    Miroslav Janek
  • production:
    Mimesis Film
  • selected festivals and awards:
    IDFA Amsterdam (Docs For Sale) 2016, DOK Leipzig 2016, IFF Jihlava 2016, IFF Karlovy Vary 2017

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