Beauty Is The Beast

Beauty Is The Beast
reż. Bady Minck/Austria, Luxembourg, The Netherlands/2005/3 min.

The film is shown in the block [3rd] Series of films by Bady Minck. More information on the in the calendar.

A dream, a woman, a furry tongue: Bady Minck’s ”My mouth fills with hair” based on ”The Beauty is the Beast” operates on the interface between civilization and wilderness, nature and culture, the human and the animal. A film that raises the issue of the pros and cons of our cultivation. On the threshold between the animal inside and the civilized exterior ”the beauty (la belle)” herself becomes ”the beast (la bête)”.


  • projection time:
    3 min.
  • country/year:
    Austria, Luxembourg, The Netherlands/2005
  • director:
    Bady Minck
  • pictures:
  • production:
    Amour Fou
  • selected festivals and awards:
    IFF Rotterdam 2005, FF New York 2004, FF Los Angeles 2014, FF Chicago 2005, FF Sydney 2004, FF Madrid 2004, FF Barcelona 2004, FF Melbourne 2004, FF Osaka 2004, FF Tokyo 2004

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